Law of Attraction

Over 4 hours of video training content

Attract Everything You've Ever Wanted

Use Law of Attraction to Achieve Your Goals

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American Woman Video Series

American Woman Video Series

Robbie Page talks about embracing imperfection and pursuing one's passion & goals without waiting for everything to be perfect. She shares experiences of building empires & achieving her goals while managing a busy household with children, team members, and household chores. She encourages women to say yes to themselves, their passions, and their goals, regardless of external circumstances.
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DiSC Model Personality Training & Workbook

DiSC Model Personality Training & Workbook

This training and workbook is an in-depth look at each profile- DISC- to better understand YOU and those around you. DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness All of us fall under at least 2 of the profiles. DISC understanding provides a common language you can use to better understand yourself first and those you interact with— at home, at work, your teams, leadership, customers, etc… it helps you reduce conflict and improve relationships all around you.
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